175th Anniversary Roadshow


National Roadshow

Creative Strategy
Event Design and Delivery
Digital Creative
Styling & Design

Guests - 65,000 +

Location - Multiple across Australia

As part of the AGL 175th anniversary celebrations we were engaged to create and deliver a national roadshow program.  All events within the program were required to be in a multipurpose outdoor venue, turning from educational classroom during the day, to cocktail party venue to host local dignitaries at night.  

This event visited 12 regional locations in 12 weeks and invited the local public schools to visit and get involved.  

The Brief & Approach

All events within the program were required to be in a multipurpose outdoor venue, turning from educational classroom during the day, to cocktail party venue to host local dignitaries at night.
At each location on our travels AGL invited the local public schools and community groups and members to visit and get involved.

The road show required the following components:

  1. Unique, bespoke temporary outdoor venue (develop options of what could be used that would create a dramatic impact when visiting locations)
  2. Logistics management
  3. Budget management and reporting
  4. Fortnightly steering committee meetings
  5. Dedicated event management team
  6. Design “look and feel” of the internal fit out of the temporary structure for two styles of events
  7. Design interactive computer game for school age kids
  8. Transport logistics
  9. Risk management
  10. The entire event to have a sustainable focus
  11. Travel and accommodation management
  12. Constant monitoring of weather and onsite conditions


Our scope was to provide a smooth running event that would set the client apart from its competition. It needed to be a unique experience that educated school children about energy efficiency in a fun and interactive way.

Creative Solution

The inflatable cube was chosen for its capacity to be bumped in and out quicker than a traditional marquee and its ability to easily turn from educational classroom to a cocktail party at night. The impact of the cube also reduced the amount of advertising required as it made a large visual impact and drew people into the space.

The speed and efficiency of using a inflatable marquee meant that there was minimal damage to the community ovals that we used. It meant that in any areas where the oval was used for sporting games the field was returned to the team quickly and in the same or better condition than before.

The internal design of the fit out was designed so each piece of furniture was custom made and  multi purpose. Each piece was designed to ensure the road cases could be stacked effectively in a truck to ensure there was no wasted space in travel and no need for trucks to return to a depot and could continue on for 87 days straight!

An extensive amount of time and research was taken to develop a roadshow that enabled AGL to truly engage with the communities in which they operate. The design of the inflatable cube and infrastructure ensured that guests ranging from 2 through to 102 enjoyed the experience in an informative and educational way.

This Space created two mascots, Timmy and Tina Turbine which became extremely successful and the decision was made to keep the mascots all year and use on all educational programs and community engagements.

Key Facts:

  • Hosted 4 cocktail parties
  • 1 employee breakfast
  • 24 volunteers
  • Visited 16 schools
  • Performed 21 assemblies to 1572 kids
  • 42 school groups visited the cube from 20 different schools, totaling 1259 children
  • 19 community days
  • 4683 visitors through the cube
  • We have used over 1000 cable ties
  • 40 rolls of gaffer tape
  • 500 tonne of weights moved
  • 24 slabs of bottled water consumed
  • 12,632km driven by the 2 trucks
  • The weather report checked 1,720 times
About TS
Creative Services